Thursday 5 December 2013

Power & Responsibility

Shout out to all the people in America! 

Boggaspot blogger stats is showing us a large number of visits from your part of the world. Hope you are enjoying your read at Boggaspot. It must be said that Americans demonstrated exemplary resistance during the GFC and have come out a lot more confident and more self-aware. Well done. We hope our ideas bring you back as the superpower of the world, which you once were. 

Talking about the Americans, it brings to my mind one of the characters in your country - Spiderman. Spiderman's father once told him (before his unfortunate demise of course) that with great power comes even greater responsibility. At this juncture, I would like to think that Boggaspot is in a similar situation to Spiderman. Very powerful but not fully aware of its powers. Spiderman was at a stage where he had just discovered his supernatural powers. We are very similar to that in a way; we, through your support have found how powerful we really are. But, again, like Spiderman, we have just unintentionally discovered this somewhat supernatural power of "giving". We didn't plan to get this many viewership for Boggaspot. We knew the concept was original and had a lot to give by means of ideas to the reader but no way did we imagine the overwhelming thirst you have and been showing for our material. 

So, yes, we will be using our powers responsibly. 

As a first step, here is a very strong safety message from Slippery and Smelly. 

Flushing the toilet with the lid-up sprays a fine mist of bacteria-laden water into the air, which can settle on every surface on the bathroom, including your toothbrush! I found this out yesterday evening subsequent to hitting POST (blog) and FLUSH (toilet) at the same time. Unfortunately, let me tell you, it was not just bacteria that ended up on my iPad screen. 

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