Monday 2 December 2013

Origins of Bogga Spot

One bright Sunday afternoon (1st December 2013), I was at my friend’s place located in Lower North Shore, NSW. In the company of few other friends, we were all actively engaged in a breakup post-mortem of a dear friend of ours. In the interest of maintaining his anonymity, let’s call our friend “Mister Kopi Annan”. We found that Mister Kopi is also writing a book using some material from his blog.

This gave my friend (Smelly) who celebrated a milestone in his life just the day before and me (Slippery) an idea; an idea to launch a blogging site; a blogging site about ideas; but with a twist...

We will be blogging ideas that we develop when doing the “big job” in our favourite Bog Spot - the toilet. We strongly believe that time spent disposing waste is a window of opportunity currently not utilised productively. Our strategy is to blog ideas that are developed during this time. We want our time in the bathroom to be intellectually rewarding.

We call this concept, Blogging While Bogging. We believe that Blogging while Bogging will improve the quality of both your Blog and your Bog.

So, rest assured, we will blog as we bog.

We don’t want to limit the ideas to anything specific at this stage. Ideas shouldn’t be constrained by any boundaries. It should be left to flow free; just like how poo leaves us. You know very well that the more you try to control the flow, the harder it becomes to clean up afterwards.

At this juncture, you might ask, how often would Smelly and Slippery blog out ideas?

We don’t want to lie to you here and set the wrong expectation. As you would already know from your own experience, bowel movements are strictly out of our control. Therefore, some days you will get one idea/blog a day, some days there will be none unfortunately, and some days you will be fortunate to have 12 or 14 in a day. And in the rare occasion we both bog together we will write a combined blog post.

We also kindly request everyone to read our ideas while you are doing bog in your favourite Bog Spot – Bogga Spot.

NOTE: We value loyalty. I am sure you do too. If so, please DO NOT read any blogs relating to coffee (i.e. blogs on making coffee, drinking coffee, coffee shops etc.). We have proof that those blogs will surely stuff your bogg. So, actively say NO to coffee blogs.

Hope you subscribe to our feeds and provide your feedback. Do it while you do your “big job” so you are just not expelling waste but ideas too.

Wish us good luck!

Smelly & Slippery

1 comment:

  1. Kopi sometimes is good for bog flow so I think this and kopi goes hand in hand. Wish the new blog good luck and minimum constipation - mr. Kopi Annan
