Friday 6 December 2013


Nelson Mandela - R.I.P

Slippery & Smelly are very saddened by the sudden loss of Nelson Mandela - Our Hero. 

We will not be posting any new material until Monday as a mark of respect to the legend. 

Hope our hardcore Boggaspot followers can understand. 

Please leave your heart felt messages for the much loved Mr Nelson Mandela in our comments section. 

Thank you and R. I. P Nelson Mandela. 

We leave you with some quotes from the man himself during his time. 

Poor Effort

Thursday 5 December 2013


With success, inevitably the haters come.
What we play here my friends is a numbers game.
The counter on our blog speaks of our success.
Maybe we should put a hater counter on there too.

So far
Views:  1140
Haters:  0003

There are no rules against cutting and pasting on to the blog.

So far we have had two complaints about plagiarism:

One from a singer, who performs cover songs at gigs and pocket the money,

and the other from a guy called Hairy who copied my TAFE Multimedia assignment and handed in as his UNI assignment.

So plagiarism is OK when it suits you?

Oh Poop , Just ran out of toilet paper........this is going to be messy.

Coffee Vs Poo

What a week it has been. This week has been a week full of milestones for me and Slippery.
Today we just passed another milestone along with a few bogs.  Boggaspot hit ‘one thousand’ hits this morning. Well done Slippery & Smelly. Over 1,000 hits in less than two days.

Just to show you how big an achievement it is, here is a comparison against Kopi Anan’s coffee blog.

According to Google stats, Mr Annan’s site, after extensive advertising, and being online for almost three years, pulls 4 to 5 readers a week on average. ‘Pathetic’ is the only word that comes to mind.
Boggaspot in its infancy stage is averaging 500 readers a day.

How did Smelly and Slippery do it? Is the question everyone is asking.

Simple..... People would rather read about poo than coffee.
Why do people like to read about poo?  I leave you with something to ponder.


Power & Responsibility

Shout out to all the people in America! 

Boggaspot blogger stats is showing us a large number of visits from your part of the world. Hope you are enjoying your read at Boggaspot. It must be said that Americans demonstrated exemplary resistance during the GFC and have come out a lot more confident and more self-aware. Well done. We hope our ideas bring you back as the superpower of the world, which you once were. 

Talking about the Americans, it brings to my mind one of the characters in your country - Spiderman. Spiderman's father once told him (before his unfortunate demise of course) that with great power comes even greater responsibility. At this juncture, I would like to think that Boggaspot is in a similar situation to Spiderman. Very powerful but not fully aware of its powers. Spiderman was at a stage where he had just discovered his supernatural powers. We are very similar to that in a way; we, through your support have found how powerful we really are. But, again, like Spiderman, we have just unintentionally discovered this somewhat supernatural power of "giving". We didn't plan to get this many viewership for Boggaspot. We knew the concept was original and had a lot to give by means of ideas to the reader but no way did we imagine the overwhelming thirst you have and been showing for our material. 

So, yes, we will be using our powers responsibly. 

As a first step, here is a very strong safety message from Slippery and Smelly. 

Flushing the toilet with the lid-up sprays a fine mist of bacteria-laden water into the air, which can settle on every surface on the bathroom, including your toothbrush! I found this out yesterday evening subsequent to hitting POST (blog) and FLUSH (toilet) at the same time. Unfortunately, let me tell you, it was not just bacteria that ended up on my iPad screen. 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Money... Money... Money...

We are well underway with our Boggaspot and the reception from our lovely readers has been quite overwhelming to say the least. 

Smelly and I would like thank you all for reading through our blogs. Hope you are all finding our blogs from Boggaspot interesting and most importantly thought provoking.

Now, as I type this, we are closing in on 1000 views and I am personally finding it very tempting to serve more ideas and thoughts to you. But, we are sticking to our set schedule of restricting output (in terms blogs) to times in the loo. 

You might ask, where is the idea Slippery? We haven’t had one from you since you started Boggaspot. About time - right?

So, here we go…

We started this off as an avenue to make the most of our time in the loo. While we did that, we wanted our ideas to reach all corners of the world; we wanted all to benefit and everyone to make the most of our ideas; we wanted to do a service to those who were looking for business ideas; we wanted to support people who had the capital but not a good idea to invest. All in all, we wanted Boggaspot to be a not-for-profit, one-stop-shop for ideas.   

Then we found “AdSense”. 

AdSense is a tool provided by Google to add targeted adverts on Blogger. It looks like AdSense is fully integrated with Blogger. So, you just need to sign up and AdSense will choose ads based on your site’s content. In our case, AdSense will probably dish out ads on bathroom accessories. 

And, here is the awesome part - every time a reader at Boggaspot clicks on an ad, Smelly and I get MONEY. This has the potential to make Boggaspot a definite $$$$ MILKING MACHINE. A machine that will milk so much money each day that Smelly and Slippery retire by the end of the year. So much money, we hang money where our better halves can see it – in their closets! And if the shoe fits, we tell them to buy it in every colour! Ok, maybe I am getting a bit carried away. But, you never know. Our lovely readers might just help us with our strategy. People help people.  

Having said all of the above, there is a side of me that wants me to just service the world with ideas and not expect anything in return!


Careless Whisper

People often have great ideas while sitting on the loo, according to new research which shows that the bathroom antics of Britons are anything but bog standard.

A poll of 500 adults revealed that answering the call of nature could be the most productive part of a person’s day. More than two-thirds said they dreamed up great ideas, while others read a book, wrote a shopping list, played video games or even learned a foreign language.

It is clear from this survey that, in today’s fast-moving world, every second counts, even time spent on the toilet.

In this blog, we aim to recognise some of the greatest ideas, inventions, thoughts and quotes born while sitting on the loo.

George Michael penned the lyrics to his 1984 hit song Careless Whisper while sitting on the loo.
Careless Whisper released by Epic Records in the UK, Japan, and other countries; and by Columbia Records in North America was Michael's first solo single although he was still performing in Wham! at the time. The song is included on Wham!'s album Make It Big. The song features a prominent saxophone riff, and has been covered by a number of artists since its first release. It was released as a single and became a huge commercial success on both sides of the Atlantic. It reached number one in nearly 25 countries, selling about six million copies worldwide.

Michael has been critical of the song saying “it was not an integral part of my emotional development, I find it a little sad that this song meaning so much to so many people was written while I was taking a dump”. He went on to say: “It disappoints me that you can write a lyric very flippantly - and not a particularly good lyric - and it can mean so much to so many people. That's disillusioning for a writer.”


Happy Birthday Smelly

Smelly’s Birthday today. Happy Birthday Smelly!

I am so thrilled to start this new venture on the World Wide Web with all our readers. Let’s face it, on any given day, we are more connected than we ever were in this complex system of interconnected and intertwined world of hypertext documents, which in effect makes the Internet collaborative.

Sharing ideas while doing a bog is an idea on its own; And, I got to say that I am really excited; firstly because I am doing this with my bog-mate Smelly. Secondly, it is a worthy cause – a cause that is going to detonate our reader’s brain to think, act and achieve great things in life. And, finally I have found, together with Smelly a way to best utilise my bog time, which otherwise would have been an idle time for my brain.

It is a short post today friends; and I am going to let you imagine why that is.

Happy Birthday Smelly. Hope you have a great day and hope we have great more days, years and decades together.

I want to leave today with this image I found on the Internet. Quite subtle depiction of what we do best in Bogga Spot!


This is 40

Milestone birthday. I turn 40 today.
And another milestone, my first bog as a 40 year old. And here are my thoughts.

“You don’t look 40” thats what I’ve been hearing all day.

There is so much confusion about age. Is it OK to be old as long as you are seen to be pretending to be younger? Or do they have to think that you actually are young? Or does it, as most people say too loudly, really not matter at all anymore?

Forty has been the new 30 for a while now. Possibly since the pill was invented and we could start to ward off the one thing that ages us all above all else, becoming a parent. No one is supposed to dread being 40 anymore. So why do I feel so old and want to hide under a pillow?

Possibly because I am supposed to feel vibrant and defiant. There's an enormous pressure to prove that you are not giving up because you're 40. That your life isn't over and that it's all still out there for the taking. Part of me wants to sit down and have a cup of tea and a nice rest. Part of me wants to go and sing If I Could Turn Back Time at karaoke while wearing my penis costume.

As I exit the fourth decade and head properly towards death, I am already sick of people telling me that it's the best thing ever. It feels less like a birthday and more like a groundhog day where every 24 hours you're expected to do something new to prove you're really, really not bothered at all about ageing. No, really not bothered in the slightest!

Why do we continue this pretence that you can get over no longer being young? Of course youth is best. It comes once. When you're in it, you don't know it. And, by the time you realise how much you want it, you can never get it back. That is the human condition.


“40 is the old age of youth and 50 is the youth of old age” - Victor Hugo

Monday 2 December 2013

Origins of Bogga Spot

One bright Sunday afternoon (1st December 2013), I was at my friend’s place located in Lower North Shore, NSW. In the company of few other friends, we were all actively engaged in a breakup post-mortem of a dear friend of ours. In the interest of maintaining his anonymity, let’s call our friend “Mister Kopi Annan”. We found that Mister Kopi is also writing a book using some material from his blog.

This gave my friend (Smelly) who celebrated a milestone in his life just the day before and me (Slippery) an idea; an idea to launch a blogging site; a blogging site about ideas; but with a twist...

We will be blogging ideas that we develop when doing the “big job” in our favourite Bog Spot - the toilet. We strongly believe that time spent disposing waste is a window of opportunity currently not utilised productively. Our strategy is to blog ideas that are developed during this time. We want our time in the bathroom to be intellectually rewarding.

We call this concept, Blogging While Bogging. We believe that Blogging while Bogging will improve the quality of both your Blog and your Bog.

So, rest assured, we will blog as we bog.

We don’t want to limit the ideas to anything specific at this stage. Ideas shouldn’t be constrained by any boundaries. It should be left to flow free; just like how poo leaves us. You know very well that the more you try to control the flow, the harder it becomes to clean up afterwards.

At this juncture, you might ask, how often would Smelly and Slippery blog out ideas?

We don’t want to lie to you here and set the wrong expectation. As you would already know from your own experience, bowel movements are strictly out of our control. Therefore, some days you will get one idea/blog a day, some days there will be none unfortunately, and some days you will be fortunate to have 12 or 14 in a day. And in the rare occasion we both bog together we will write a combined blog post.

We also kindly request everyone to read our ideas while you are doing bog in your favourite Bog Spot – Bogga Spot.

NOTE: We value loyalty. I am sure you do too. If so, please DO NOT read any blogs relating to coffee (i.e. blogs on making coffee, drinking coffee, coffee shops etc.). We have proof that those blogs will surely stuff your bogg. So, actively say NO to coffee blogs.

Hope you subscribe to our feeds and provide your feedback. Do it while you do your “big job” so you are just not expelling waste but ideas too.

Wish us good luck!

Smelly & Slippery